Is the Iran Nuclear Deal Dead or Alive? By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS (IDN) — U.S. President Joe Biden’s off-the-cuff remark, describing the nuclear deal with Iran as “dead”, has led to widespread speculation about the future of the landmark agreement—and of the potential emergence of new nuclear powers in the horizon.”It is dead, but we’re not going to announce it,” Biden said before adding, “long story”.Biden’s quote was on a video circulating on social media filmed during an election event in November—and disclosed in December. [2022-12-30-25] ARABIC | JAPANESE | TURKISH| |
The Dismal State of Nuclear Disarmament Viewpoint by Jacqueline Cabasso The writer is the Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation. OAKLAND, California (IDN) — The year 2022 has been a nightmare for nuclear disarmament. The year started out with a mildly reassuring Joint Statement by the five original nuclear-armed states, issued on January 3, 2022, declaring: “The People’s Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America consider the avoidance of war between Nuclear-Weapon States and the reduction of strategic risks as our foremost responsibilities. We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” [2022-12-25-24] JAPANESE | THAI |
Nuclear Risks and Technological Proliferation Viewpoint by Sergio Duarte The writer is a former High Representative of the United Nations for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and President of Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.NEW YORK (IDN) — 60 years after the Cuban missile crisis, the spectre of the imminent use of nuclear weapons once again haunts humankind. On that occasion, however, the crisis lasted for just 13 days until John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, in direct contact, arrived at the agreement that made possible the withdrawal of the Soviet weapons from the Caribbean Island in exchange for the non-stationing of American nuclear arms in Turkey. [2022-12-05-22] JAPANESE | PORTUGUESE | SPANISH |
Washington Should Offer Iran a Nuclear Deal It Cannot Decline Viewpoint by Jonathan Power LUND, Sweden (IDN) — The policies of Iran’s government are not set in stone, as critics interminably suggest. Only three days ago (on December 4), Iran’s prosecutor-general was reported as saying that the morality police were being disbanded. Clearly, two months of demonstrations, led mainly by women, and now with open support from Iran’s football World Cup team competing in Qatar, have made the government have a big think about its long-term policies. [2022-12-06] |
India Urged to Join the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty By Ramesh Jaura BERLIN | NEW DELHI (IDN) — India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is confronted with an increasing demand to join the landmark Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which was adopted in January 2021 by 122 members of the UN General Assembly—a clear majority. The Treaty entered into force after ratification by 50 member-States of the UN. The number of signatories has since risen to 91. The TPNW bans the use, possession, testing, and transfer of nuclear weapons under international law. [2022-12-01-21] GERMAN | HINDI | JAPANESE |
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